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By Julian Wright

Delivering Efficiency and Precision through Automation

There has been widespread discussion of new, fully digital and cloud based content supply chains, in the media industry since about 2016. Some innovators have put Supply Chain theory into practice.  With the huge volumes of content being consumed on an ever-growing number of platforms the need to streamline the supply chain operation is becoming increasingly important, possibly essential.

In our webinar,  Next Generation Supply Chains – Delivering Efficiency and Precision, with Interra Systems as part of the ATEME 24hours New Monetisation Workflows segment, we dive into the fundamentals and best practices in setting up a modern media supply chain.


The session covers:

  • Today’s operational complexity
  • What does, or should, a modern operation look like.
  • The foundations of a modern supply chain
  • The benefits of automation
  • The new operational management paradigms
  • Getting started

View a Recording of the Webinar


View the Webinar Presentation Slides

ATEME-24h Delivering Efficiency & Precision


Theory into Practice

Read more on how BLAM is helping media operators deploy next generation supply chains:

How Off the Fence automated their content supply chain management function in the cloud.

How PLAZAMEDIA provide smart media solutions for multiple clients using a multi-tenant BLAM.


By Julian Wright

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