
BLidget Category: Asset Operators

Search (Assets)

Gets assets matched by the search query. Continue reading →

Tag File

Updates the essence tag based on the specified string input or interpolated value. Continue reading →

Assign as Parent

Assigns the asset as the parent of another asset based on a defined search query. Continue reading →

Assign as Child

Assigns the asset as the child of another asset based on a defined search query. Continue reading →

Assign to Project

This BLidget will assign an Asset to a project. Continue reading →

Assign to Group

Assigns an asset to specific permission group(s). Continue reading →

Remove from Workspace

Removes an asset from a named workspace. Continue reading →

Add to Workspace

Adds an asset to a named workspace. Continue reading →

Rename Asset

Used to rename Assets to a specified string value. Continue reading →

Register Placeholder

Registers an asset as a placeholder. Continue reading →