
BLidget Category: Essence / File Operators

Set Essence Type


Changes the essence type to the specified file type and ignores files whose type is unchanged.

Any essence technical data associated with the previous type is lost. This does not affect asset level metadata or registered file locations.


Possible types:

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Image
  • Document

Can be used to override the auto-detected essence type assigned at ingest. This is useful in situations where files have an incorrect, unknown or ambiguous file extension at the time of ingest.

Set Essence Role


Sets the essence role to MasterBrowseEdit Proxy and/or Thumbnail.


  • Master – Original ingested media or high bit rate media file
  • Browse – Low bit rate proxy file in a format/codec supported natively by browsers
  • Edit Proxy – Medium bit rate proxy file for use in remote edit or where the Master is unavailable
  • Thumbnail – Image file returned in search results or rendered in the browser where no Browse is available

Can be used after ingest, transcode or other essence creation blidgets to set the role of the essence.

Send Upload Link


Sends an upload link by email.


Include {{ LINK }} in the email template.

Register Files

Registers a file as a new BLAM Asset. This BLidget is typically used as the first part of an ingest workflow. The BLidget optionally accepts AWS SNS notifications as a trigger for objects stored in S3. Continue reading →

Move Essence


Moves an essence to a new asset or (optionally) to the current version of an existing asset returned by a search query.


Can be used in conjunction with transcode blidgets to move the output essence to a new asset or move an essence on an non-current version to the current version.

Can optionally update the asset‘s relationships when the essence moves to a new asset.

  • Single: No relationships are created (default)
  • Child: New asset becomes a child of the original asset
  • Associate: New asset becomes an associate of the original asset
  • Inherit: New asset inherits all the relationships of the original asset

Set S3 Storage Class

Sets an object stored on S3 to a specific class. Continue reading →

Create Upload Link


Creates an upload link that can be sent using the Send Upload Link BLidget.


Ensure that the Partner Upload Metadata config has been configured before creating any links. The email addresses should be a comma- or semicolon-separated list of addresses, with * wildcards permitted.

Copy File (S3 X Region)


Copies an object from an AWS S3 bucket to another specified AWS S3 bucket across regions


Can be used to copy S3 Objects between different AWS Regions.

Rename S3 Object


Renames a S3 Object in place.


The file key can be supplied as a template. Set Prefix to filter for a specific location on the bucket e.g. “subfolder_name”.

S3 Objects on GLACIER cannot be renamed if less than 90 days old.

S3 Objects on DEEP_ARCHIVE cannot be renamed if less than 180 days old.

Restore from S3 Glacier


Restores an object from S3 Glacier or Deep Archive class to S3 Standard class for a specified period at a specified restore speed.


Required prior to performing any actions on files held on S3 Glacier or Deep Archive storage. Default restore is 7 days